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The Department of General Surgery offers surgical treatment of all surgical diseases of body organs with international standards, using the most advanced practices.

General surgery intervention that can be performed at the American Clinic “Dr Behar Kusari” are:

  • • Cholecystectomy
  • • Inguinal Hernia
  • • Umbilical Hernia
  • • Po incisional hernia
  • • Tumors
  • • Fissures (fissures) of the large intestine
  • • Pilonidal sinus
  • • Perianal fistulas
  • • Cecum
  • • Circumcision (Circumcision)
  • • Removal of Atheroma
  • • Removal of Lipomas
  • • Removal of nevi – marks
  • • Abdominoplasty (tummy reshaping)
Painless Laser TreatmORL of Hemorrhoids, Fistulas and Pilonidal Sinuses (Learn more…)

For questions or need for additional information, call +38344126188 or email [email protected]


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