About us!

About the clinic

Since 1996, we started talking in an ordinance of 200 m2 under the supervision of Dr. Spec. Behar Kusari. At that time, it was one of the best facilities in the country. 11 years, on March 8, 007 we opened the first clinic for female and male infertility health. With a space of 800 m2, a large staff of specialist doctors, technicians and administrative personnel, American Clinic became a reference point for the medicine of female and male infertility in the country and region with the trust that gave us the patient center. Always developing, referring to the world’s technological development, we invested in modern medical equipment, committing ourselves to keep up with the times. Staying on trend with the latest technology, professional staff, on March 8, 2017, a new, luxurious modern hospital was inaugurated with an area of 2800 m2, being formed as an I Hospital with the latest technology and the most modern facilities and services. keeping the professionalization and the first name that brought the science on Infertility to Kosovo, Dr. Behar Kusari.

American Clinic "Dr. Behar Kusari

Leader in providing state-of-the-art health services with local and international experts

Dr.Behar Kusari – Legacy

Dr. Behar Kusari was born on March 15, 1958 in Gjakova. He completed primary and secondary school in his hometown. In 1984, he completed his studies at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Pristina. He then continued his postgraduate studies, which he completed in 1994 at the University of Nis. To continue with his career, he continued his subspecialization, focused on the field of infertility and laparoscopy, which he completed with great success, at the Gynecology-Obstetric Clinic in Novi-Sad. Dr. Behar Kusari was a member of a large number of professional medical associations in the field of his scientific and professional expertise in Europe and the world. He was a regular member of the European Society for Human Embryology (ESHRE) in Belgium and a member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). He published 4 scientific papers from the field of medicine in the field of infertility and presented a multitude of papers at conferences and congresses, such as those at ESHRE. He was also a scientific associate at the American Clinic in Istanbul, at the Gynecological-Obstetrical Clinic in Ljubljana and at the Gynecological-Obstetrical Clinic in Novi-Sad.

Dr. Behar Kusari worked at the American Clinic in Istanbul (at the Center for Assisted Reproduction) for a period of three years (from March 2004 to March 2007) during which she stood out for her professionalism, dedication to work and treatment successful treatment of patients, for which they were also given some recognition, especially for the advanced expertise in the field of medical treatment of Infertility. Before internationalizing his scientific and professional knowledge, Dr. Behari worked as a Gynecologist-Obstetric Specialist at the Gjakova Regional Hospital until 1996, which was perhaps the most challenging period in his career as a doctor, because this hospital, due to the political circumstances in the country, had already turned into a gynecological center of all Kosovo.

The clinic today is one of the best clinics in terms of medical professionals, equipped with the latest technology, modern and luxurious facilities, which takes its place as one of the best clinics not only in the Western Balkans region, but also far beyond. . Combining the latest technology in medical equipment and a staff of more than 90 medical and administrative professionals, this clinic becomes a reference regional health center. Dr. Behar Kusari passed away suddenly on September 7, 2017 at the University Clinical Center of Kosovo after a brain attack, causing pain to all family members, friends and patients. Dr. Behar Kusari stood out as one of the doctors who influence the advancement of Kosovar medicine, the conduct of science on infertility, bringing European standardization to health services.

The life and work of Dr. Behar Kusari will always remain in the memories of everyone who surrounded him and knew him closely, as a humanist who never spared to come to your aid and enable you kites the joy of becoming parents. Dr. Behar Kusari left behind his wife dr. Nexhmije Kusari, the children Vullnet, Fitore, Art and Festa Kusari, who with dedication continue to realize the dream of the deceased, for a hospital with standards and professional services. 


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