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Clinical psychological consultation at the American Clinic “Dr Behar Kusari”

Pregnancy is an extraordinary period in the life of a woman and a couple. At this stage of life, the impact of events and emotions is great, and because of this, consultation with a psychologist before, during and after pregnancy is important, it is also extremely important to consult with a psychologist even before starting treatment procedures of infertility.

Pre-pregnancy consultation

Prevention is always more efficient than treating problems. This also applies to pregnancy. Before a couple decides to have children, it is important to consult a psychologist. Some important reasons why this should be done are:

Emotional preparation: Pregnancy is a big event that affects everyone’s emotional life. Pre-pregnancy counseling can help prepare you emotionally for expecting a baby.

Dealing with interruption problems: Some couples may have emotional problems or conflicts that can negatively affect the pregnancy process. A preliminary consultation can help identify and treat these problems.

Planning: Pre-pregnancy counseling can help the couple better plan their time and resources for the future child. A psychologist can provide guidance and strategies to improve parenting skills and define their shared goals.

Consultation during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a phase which comes with big changes in a woman’s body and emotional life. Consultation during pregnancy is important for several reasons:

Treating anxiety and depression: Pregnancy can bring significant hormonal and emotional changes that can lead to anxiety and depression. Consulting a psychologist can help manage these conditions.

Adapting to new roles: With the arrival of a child, the wife and husband experience major changes in their roles. A psychologist can help you adjust to these changes and manage the stress that comes with them.

Taking care of the body: Consulting a psychologist during pregnancy can help take care of the body and physical health. This care is important for the health of the woman and the child.

Consultation after pregnancy

After the birth of the child, emotional and physical changes continue to be present. Post-pregnancy counseling is also important for these reasons:

Dealing with the emotional aftermath: After giving birth, many women experience emotional changes, including postpartum depression. Consultation with a psychologist can help deal with these consequences and improve emotional well-being.

Stress management: Caring for a young child is challenging and often stressful. Post-pregnancy counseling can help parents learn strategies to better manage stress and maintain a healthy relationship with their baby.

Adapting to new roles: After birth, parents have to change and adapt to the role of parent. A psychologist can help adapt to this role and build a strong relationship with the child.After the birth of the child, emotional and physical changes continue to be present. Post-pregnancy counseling is also important for these reasons:

Dealing with the emotional aftermath: After giving birth, many women experience emotional changes, including postpartum depression. Consultation with a psychologist can help deal with these consequences and improve emotional well-being.

Stress management: Caring for a young child is challenging and often stressful. Post-pregnancy counseling can help parents learn strategies to better manage stress and maintain a healthy relationship with their baby.

Adapting to new roles: After birth, parents have to change and adapt to the role of parent. A psychologist can help adapt to this role and build a strong relationship with the child.

Consultation with a psychologist before starting infertility procedures

In cases where a couple faces infertility and decides to start the procedures to have a child, consulting a psychologist is equally important. Some reasons why this should be done are:

Dealing with stress: Infertility procedures can be stressful and emotional. Consulting a psychologist can help the couple manage the stress and anxiety that can come with these procedures.

How to deal with failures: In case infertility procedures are not predictably successful, a psychologist can help the couple deal with the failures and find other ways to achieve their dream of having children.

Emotional preparation: Consultation with a psychologist before starting infertility procedures can help in emotional preparation for this process and help in decision-making about possible procedures.

You can schedule a consultation with the psychologist by calling +38344126188 or email [email protected]


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