

Within the scope of providing services to our patients to enable you to provide services in one place is also the operation of the Pharmacy within the American Clinic “Dr Behar Kusari”, which offers medical drugs to meet the demands of our patients.

The pharmacy inside the American Clinic “Dr Behar Kusari” is open every day “Monday – Friday” from 07:30 – 17:00, while on Saturday from 08:00 – 13:00.

For additional questions or clarifications, call +38344126188 or email [email protected]

Meet our Pharmacy Team:


Clinical psychological consultation at the American Clinic “Dr Behar Kusari”

Pregnancy is an extraordinary period in the life of a woman and a couple. At this stage of life, the impact of events and emotions is great, and because of this, consultation with a psychologist before, during and after pregnancy is important, it is also extremely important to consult with a psychologist even before starting treatment procedures of infertility.

Pre-pregnancy consultation

Prevention is always more efficient than treating problems. This also applies to pregnancy. Before a couple decides to have children, it is important to consult a psychologist. Some important reasons why this should be done are:

Emotional preparation: Pregnancy is a big event that affects everyone’s emotional life. Pre-pregnancy counseling can help prepare you emotionally for expecting a baby.

Dealing with interruption problems: Some couples may have emotional problems or conflicts that can negatively affect the pregnancy process. A preliminary consultation can help identify and treat these problems.

Planning: Pre-pregnancy counseling can help the couple better plan their time and resources for the future child. A psychologist can provide guidance and strategies to improve parenting skills and define their shared goals.

Consultation during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a phase which comes with big changes in a woman’s body and emotional life. Consultation during pregnancy is important for several reasons:

Treating anxiety and depression: Pregnancy can bring significant hormonal and emotional changes that can lead to anxiety and depression. Consulting a psychologist can help manage these conditions.

Adapting to new roles: With the arrival of a child, the wife and husband experience major changes in their roles. A psychologist can help you adjust to these changes and manage the stress that comes with them.

Taking care of the body: Consulting a psychologist during pregnancy can help take care of the body and physical health. This care is important for the health of the woman and the child.

Consultation after pregnancy

After the birth of the child, emotional and physical changes continue to be present. Post-pregnancy counseling is also important for these reasons:

Dealing with the emotional aftermath: After giving birth, many women experience emotional changes, including postpartum depression. Consultation with a psychologist can help deal with these consequences and improve emotional well-being.

Stress management: Caring for a young child is challenging and often stressful. Post-pregnancy counseling can help parents learn strategies to better manage stress and maintain a healthy relationship with their baby.

Adapting to new roles: After birth, parents have to change and adapt to the role of parent. A psychologist can help adapt to this role and build a strong relationship with the child.After the birth of the child, emotional and physical changes continue to be present. Post-pregnancy counseling is also important for these reasons:

Dealing with the emotional aftermath: After giving birth, many women experience emotional changes, including postpartum depression. Consultation with a psychologist can help deal with these consequences and improve emotional well-being.

Stress management: Caring for a young child is challenging and often stressful. Post-pregnancy counseling can help parents learn strategies to better manage stress and maintain a healthy relationship with their baby.

Adapting to new roles: After birth, parents have to change and adapt to the role of parent. A psychologist can help adapt to this role and build a strong relationship with the child.

Consultation with a psychologist before starting infertility procedures

In cases where a couple faces infertility and decides to start the procedures to have a child, consulting a psychologist is equally important. Some reasons why this should be done are:

Dealing with stress: Infertility procedures can be stressful and emotional. Consulting a psychologist can help the couple manage the stress and anxiety that can come with these procedures.

How to deal with failures: In case infertility procedures are not predictably successful, a psychologist can help the couple deal with the failures and find other ways to achieve their dream of having children.

Emotional preparation: Consultation with a psychologist before starting infertility procedures can help in emotional preparation for this process and help in decision-making about possible procedures.

You can schedule a consultation with the psychologist by calling +38344126188 or email [email protected]



Diagnostic Center

In the framework of providing services to our patients, now the American Clinic “Dr Behar Kusari” also offers Radiology services that include Digital X-ray and Mammography.

Digital X-ray and Mammography are offered as services using the latest advanced technology equipment so that our patients receive quality services.

Digital X-ray and Mammography offer very fast results, and high-quality images, which enables the detection of possible problems in a very efficient and fast way.

The Diagnostic Center offers Radiology and Mammography services which play a critical role in the diagnosis and follow-up of various diseases of the body, with a special emphasis on the diagnosis of breast cancer in women.

For more information, contact +38344126188 or email [email protected]


Advanced technology

Reduction of radiation dose

Fast results

High quality images

The Department of Radiology at the American Clinic “Dr Behar Kusari” is leaded by:



During medical visits, you don’t need to worry about where you will do the biochemical tests. The biochemical laboratory within the American Clinic “Dr Behar Kusari” is equipped with the most modern equipment and experienced professional staff who are ready to meet your needs for laboratory analyzes from the recommendation of the specialist doctor during your medical check-up.

We offer a full range of biochemical tests and are committed to providing the highest level of healthcare through our advanced biochemical laboratory services.

Blood count – Hemogram

Sober glycemia






Total bilirubin

Direct bilirubin



Total Protein








Triglyceride TG

Uric Acid



ALP (alkaline phosphatase)

Iron (FE)

Calcium (CA)

Magnesium (Mg)

Sodium (Na)

potassium (K)

Phosphorus (Ph)



Urine cultures


RF (Rheumatic Factor)

Coagulation (TT, PT, aPTT)








Gas analysis

Triple Test

Double Test

Genetic test

Lupus Anticoagulant

Anticardiolipin (IGM + IgG)

Thrombophilia (Mutation of factor II, III, V, VIII)

B2 Glycoprotein (IGM + IGG)


Y Microdeletion




SV, SC test Smear

Papa Test


Blood type (RH factor)



HBs Ag (Hepatitis B)

HCV (Hepatitis C)





ca 125
















Free PSA


Vitamin D

17OH- Progesterone

Meet our Biochemical Lab Team:




Looking good helps you feel good. A healthy skin, in addition to reflecting the beauty and personality of the person, also shows the general health. We, at the American Clinic together with the qualified staff under the supervision of Dr. At Spec. Nexhmije Kusari, we give special importance to the health of your skin. With the most modern equipment in the dermatology department, you will find the right professional place for your skin treatment. Now at the American Clinic, the skin is treated with the innovative PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) bio stimulative treatment through protein-enriched blood plasma. Our staff is trained with the highest professional and ethical standards to serve you with different skin treatments from Classic Treatments to Mesotherapy. Leather is one of your assets and you need to take care of it. 


Cleansing, peeling, massages and masks.


Exclusive galvanic current treatment. Treatment for all skin types and all ages. The treatment is carried out in five stages, with products and technologies GUINOT INSTITUTE PARIS. 


Treatment for cleansing the skin by means of electrodes for the distribution of heat, where there is a deeper cleansing and the elimination of toxins from the skin. 


New method, for the application of various cocktails of vitamins or amino acids, as well as other substances in the middle or deep layers of the skin. The different cocktails can be applied to the skin by means of small injections or with a dermapen. 4 or 5 treatments one after the other are preferred.


Chemical peels are highly preferred for all skin problems and skin types. Different chemical components penetrate to different depths of the skin and give appropriate results.


It is a very efficient method and apparatus for eliminating cellulite and shaping the body. The device has three functions: the breaking of cellulite with a vacuum, the galvanic current causes the anti-cellulite gel to penetrate deep into the skin, the electrostimulation causes muscle contraction, skin toning and body shaping.


Skin contouring and lifting treatment, where through electrostimulation of the skin muscles we give it a new look with a lifting effect and contouring.

With this treatment, the texture and quality of the skin is improved with skin that shines, wrinkles are minimized and dark circles around the eyes are less visible. Effective and visible results are also achieved in stretch marks, marks and hair regeneration. Results are noticed after a week to a month. Depending on the problems, 1 to 4 treatments at a distance of one month are preferred. It can be applied in the form of microinjections with needles, in different layers of the skin with a dermaroller or dermapen. The procedure lasts about 60 minutes. After the treatment, the skin should not be cleaned for 12 hours.

Contraindications: people with acute skin infection, severe acne, lupus porphyria skin disease, allergies, carcinoma, people on chemotherapy, with severe metabolic problems or systemic diseases and platelet function disorders should not be treated with PRP.


PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), plasma enriched with proteins, is an innovative bio stimulating treatment. It is based on the regenerative and stimulating properties of platelets. At the site of application, it affects the growth factors that initiate the skin regeneration process. The special advantage of this treatment is that the platelets and blood plasma are taken from the patient’s own blood and the unwanted reactions are minimal, making the treatment completely natural.

With this treatment, the texture and quality of the skin is improved with skin that shines, wrinkles are minimized and dark circles around the eyes are less visible. Effective and visible results are also achieved in stretch marks, marks and hair regeneration. Results are noticed after a week to a month. Depending on the problems, 1 to 4 treatments at a distance of one month are preferred. It can be applied in the form of microinjections with needles, in different layers of the skin with a derma roller or dermapen. The procedure lasts about 60 minutes. After the treatment, the skin should not be cleaned for 12 hours.

Give yourself beautiful skin!


Experience the real revolution

Alexandrite Motus AX the most powerful laser in hair removal!

Motus AX delivers results faster than other types of lasers and is safe for all skin tones. What makes this laser different from others is the use of alexandrite crystal.

When the platform is in use, high-energy light is emitted through an alexandrite crystal. Thanks to its high-energy light, the Motus AX laser is a particularly effective choice for targeting pigment in hair follicles and removing unwanted body hair.

Laser hair removal is the only effective method for permanently removing unwanted hair from different parts of the face and body. The laser works in such a way that the beam of light acts on the hair follicle and destroys it so the hair falls from the root and prevents its growth.

After the first treatment, 20-30% of the hair falls. In each treatment, the hairs are destroyed to a large extent and after epilation they are thinner and paler.

Before the treatment, hairs should not be depilated with wax or tweezers, they should be removed with a razor. The skin should not be exposed to the sun or solarium, 2 weeks before and after the laser. Up to 6 treatments are needed depending on the type of skin and hair. Treatments are repeated every 4 to 6 weeks. After waxing, the skin remains a little red and swollen and this is normal. It is not preferable to apply creams, perfumes or masks after waxing.

Laser rays are not dangerous, they are not ionizing rays, they act on the root of the hair. There is no pain or burning, only in the places where the hairs are more pronounced, there are small bites which are bearable. It is not preferred for people with vitiligo, epilepsy, lupus or autoimmune diseases of the connective tissue. MOTUS-AX is a real revolution in permanent hair removal. The Moveo sapphire head designed by DEKA is applied to damage the root of the hair.

Applies to all skin tones and all hair types. The real revolution in permanent hair removal. 

Latest Offers!


The Dermatology staff at the American Clinic “Dr. Behar Kusari” consists of:


ORL – Otorhinolaryngology

The Operative Unit of Otorhinolaryngology is able to offer the Patient a complete health treatment that includes diagnosis, therapeutic and surgical treatment, hospitalization for as many days as necessary and post-operative follow-up. Thanks to a specialized medical staff that has been dealing with pathologies of the head and neck area for several decades, specifically in the treatment of tumoral pathologies of these areas, but also in mini-invasive endoscopic nasosinusal surgery for the treatment of sinusitis and breathing difficulties, in ear surgery, laryngeal surgery, nose and ear aesthetic surgery, salivary gland and thyroid surgery.

The techniques used by our surgeons are at a high level, thanks also to the ongoing qualification of doctors, who constantly participate as listeners and interpreters in international courses and congresses.

Part of the medical team are professionals specialized in the field of ORL, such as: Prim. Dr. Renato Janušić (from Croatia) and Dr.Spec. Zgjim Limani

For a more complete service, for the most complex cases, the staff of ORL doctors collaborates closely with other prominent colleagues of various specialties, with the sole aim of providing the most optimal and effective service for our patients. It is worth noting the fact that for surgical interventions, anesthesia is applied by anesthesiologists with extensive and specialized experience to assist in surgical interventions.

What is Otorhinolaryngology – ORL

Otorhinolaryngology or ORL for short is a branch of medicine that depends a lot on the development and progress of science and technology, technical aids, to make possible the successful examination of the inside of the ear, throat, nose and tracheobronchial tube. These organs are specific to their anatomical location in the human body and require focused light to study.

The most frequent ear, nose and throat diseases in our population are: inflammatory diseases (external and middle ear, nasal mucosa and sinuses, limbs, throat, larynx), which can be infectious or allergic, , buzzing in the ears tinnitus), vertigo (Vertigo), chills (surdit as), polyps, tumors, etc.

If there are ear, throat or nose complaints in the patient, it is necessary to report to the otorhinolaryngology specialist.

Symptoms include ear pain, hearing impairment, urinary discharge, dizziness, buzzing or sneezing in the ear. Problems related to the nose are difficulty in breathing, nasal secretions, itchy nose, weakened sense of smell, vomiting, nosebleeds, etc. Pain problems include sore throat, burning, pain or difficulty swallowing, coughing, reaction, changes or mucus etc.

An otorhinolaryngologist examination is painless and takes between 20 and 30 minutes. It consists of anamnesis – a discussion with the patient about the problems for which he appeared for examination and the examination itself, which is systematic and carried out in a certain way.

Other Otorhinolaryngology services under the leadership of Dr. Spec. Zgjim Limani

• Thyroid gland operation

• Other surgical interventions

• Septoplasty

• Trepanation of the maxillary sinus

• Interventions in maxillary sinuses through endoscopy (FESS)

• Interventions in the ethmoidal sinuses through endoscopy (FESS)

• Interventions in the nasal cavity through endoscopy (removal of nasal polyps and tumors) (FESS)

• Trepanation of the frontal sinus

• Removal of skin tumors in the head and neck region without a flap

• Removal of skin tumors in the head and neck region with a local flap

• Rhinoplasty

• Otoplasty

• Tonsillectomy

• Removal of tumors from the tongue and lips

• Extirpation (biopsy) of the lymph node from the neck region

• Video laryngoscopy

• Directoscopy/esophagoscopy

• Directoscopy/esophagoscopy with biopsy

• LMS laryngomicroscopy

• Total laryngectomy

• Partial laryngectomy

• Laryngectomy with selective or radical dissection

• Selective neck dissection

• Radical neck dissection

• Thyroidectomy (lobectomy)

• Total thyroidectomy

• Thyroidectomy with paratracheal neck dissection

• Thyroidectomy with paratracheal and lateral neck dissection

• Composite resections of oral cavity tumors (COMANDO) with pectoralis major flap reconstruction

• Reconstructions of neck and face defects with Pectoralis Major flap

• Surgical tracheotomy

• Superficial parotidectomy

• Total parotidectomy

• Parotidectomy with neck dissection

• Extirpation of congenital neck cysts (lateral or medial)

Advanced Technology
Professional Staff
Modern infrastructure
Quality and security


Thyroid Gland Surgery

The surgery is minimally invasive, without bleeding from the thyroid gland, with a small incision of about 3 cm in the lower part of the neck. The operation is performed using the latest technology, resulting in a very quick recovery for the patient, who is discharged from the clinic the next day.

The wound is closed with special materials, so there are no stitches to remove, and after a few days, the patient can resume normal life.

It is especially important to know about the nerves that control the vocal cords. The surgical team pays special attention to these nerves, ensuring their function during and after the operation is verified using the NIM (Neuro Monitoring) device.

Equal care is given to the parathyroid gland, which is carefully identified and its blood circulation preserved, facilitated by the surgical loupe used in every operation. The function of the parathyroid gland is immediately assessed post-surgery with a direct serum test (iPTU) to ensure its proper function.

The operation price includes the following expenses:

– Complete pre-operative preparation
– All necessary analyses
– Pathohistological analysis
– Complete surgery
– Pre- and post-operative stay at the American Clinic
– Consultation

Characteristics of Healing!

Individual Approach: Each patient and their specific illness are carefully considered, and the type and duration of the operation are meticulously planned.

Duration of the Operation: It is not limited. The surgery lasts as long as necessary to precisely and thoroughly achieve the pre-planned operation.

Operative Program: It is adapted to the aforementioned characteristics and is planned so that the duration in the operating room is three times the necessary time for the surgery, with the sole reason of not having to work under time pressure, thereby avoiding mistakes or complications.

The surgery is performed with the latest technology, suited for all pre-operative requirements related to minimally invasive surgery without bleeding. Every small detail in the operative field is identified clearly and thoroughly. Intraoperative neuromonitoring is also used to control the nerves of the vocal cords, and special preparations are used for wound closure, resulting in a minimally visible neck incision or almost unnoticeable.

The operative team includes six highly specialized medical personnel, consisting of the Surgeon, Anesthesiologist, Anesthetist, Assistant, and two Instrument Nurses. The entire team is highly motivated to ensure that every operation proceeds perfectly and without any complications, and that every patient is satisfied with the final result.

After the operation is completed, the patient will have the opportunity to receive support and consultation from the team for any concerns, information, or additional needs.

Result: From the surgery performed by this team, complications almost never occur, as the intervention procedure is carried out with high precision. The success in treating the thyroid gland and its carcinoma is nearly 100% (to date, we have not encountered any recurrences requiring re-operation).


Dr. Renato Janusic explains about the parotid gland surgery using the most advanced method without bleeding, allowing the patient to be in good health immediately the next day.

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The ORL staff at the American Clinic “Dr. Behar Kusari” consists of:


The Department of General Surgery offers surgical treatment of all surgical diseases of body organs with international standards, using the most advanced practices.

General surgery intervention that can be performed at the American Clinic “Dr Behar Kusari” are:

  • • Cholecystectomy
  • • Inguinal Hernia
  • • Umbilical Hernia
  • • Po incisional hernia
  • • Tumors
  • • Fissures (fissures) of the large intestine
  • • Pilonidal sinus
  • • Perianal fistulas
  • • Cecum
  • • Circumcision (Circumcision)
  • • Removal of Atheroma
  • • Removal of Lipomas
  • • Removal of nevi – marks
  • • Abdominoplasty (tummy reshaping)
Painless Laser TreatmORL of Hemorrhoids, Fistulas and Pilonidal Sinuses (Learn more…)

For questions or need for additional information, call +38344126188 or email [email protected]


Meet the General Surgery Department team:

Neonatology and Pediatric


Neonatal care at the American Clinic “Dr Behar Kusari” is provided according to international standards for newborn babies and their mothers.

This service consists of:

• The Standard Care Unit for normal newborns at birth, known as Rooming – 24h, which means the creation of a family environmORL for children in 24h service, where ORL have the opportunity to carry out regular visits and consultations with the medical staff as well as to call at any time at the request of the ORLs.

• The Unit of Intensive Therapy for the newborn and Neonatal pathology, where newborns who may manifest problems after birth are treated and kept under care;

• The ORL Unit (where babies returned during the 28-day period or born in other Maternity Hospitals are treated).

It doesn’t matter when you need help or a doctor’s consultation for your child, you don’t need to worry about the time of the visit, whether it’s a weekend or at night, because at the American Clinic “Dr Behar Kusari”, our pediatric and neonatology specialist doctors are in charge of caring for your child 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for newborns and up to the age of 28 days (neonate period), as well as continuous monitoring of your child’s health up to the age of 6.

Part of this Service is also the nursing staff consisting of qualified and continuously trained personnel, who provide quality service for the newborn and maximum support for new mothers in the maternity ward.

The neonatal intensive care unit is equipped with the most modern equipmORL in ORL such as a static and transport incubator, biphasic nasal CPAP for artificial respiration, static and portable vORLilators, which make the Neonatology departmORL perfect for caring for your newborn child. .

In addition to the professional medical service, the education of new mothers on newborn care and breastfeeding is also offered, as well as ensuring the continuity of this process even after leaving the maternity hospital.


Neonatal Care at the American Clinic
"Dr. Behar Kusari"


The staff of the Neonatology Department consists of:



Becoming a parent is a significant role that brings joy and harmony to your family. From the moment of receiving the joyful news, you start preparing for your family. Initially, you need to take care of your health to ensure that during the 38 weeks of pregnancy, your baby will develop normally and healthily. At the American Clinic “Dr. Behar Kusari,” together with our trained staff and specialist doctors, we are here to assist you with advice and check-ups 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to support you on your journey of family joy.

Routine check-ups and analyses from our laboratories, equipped with the latest technology, from blood tests to the most detailed genetic analyses, will enable an easy and healthy journey for you and your baby. All that remains for you as parents is to prepare for your family life and enjoy each day with each other.

Natural Delivery

Normal birth is a natural birth process, and each one is unique. Hospitalization for 24 hours after birth is necessary to ensure sufficiORL recovery to allow return home.

We at American Clinic care that you have a normal pregnancy and we also encourage all mothers to have a normal birth.

The advantages of normal birth are the faster recovery of the mother and according to some recORL studies, your baby will develop the immune system faster.

Normal birth without pain

It is a method used with Epidural Anesthesia and is the best method to relieve pain during childbirth, offering complete comfort during the natural birth process. Hospitalization for 24 hours after delivery is necessary to ensure sufficient recovery to allow return home.

Birth by Cesarean Section

In cases where the obstetrician-gynecologist, for health reasons, proposes cesarean delivery, regardless of the time, our teams of specialist doctors from various fields and the staff of nurses are always ready for surgical intervention. The surgical operating block is equipped with the latest technology of surgical equipment, while the intensive care rooms are equipped so that you can focus as much as possible on your recovery.

Cesarean delivery is the birth of a baby through incisions made in the mother’s abdomen and uterus. They can be done with Spinal Anesthesia where the mother is awake during the entire process, but they feel no pain at all. While in emergency cases, General Anesthesia is used where the patiORL is asleep throughout the birth process

The birth process at the American Clinic “Dr Behar Kusari” is performed by our team, but we also enable you to perform the birth process with the gynecologist who followed your pregnancy! It is enough for the gynecologist who you visited to coordinate with the team of the American Clinic “Dr Behar Kusari”.

In all cases, for all young kites who are expected to become ORL, they can schedule a consultation with psychologists within the Clinic to better prepare for the birth process.

We also recommend consultation with the anesthesiologists within the American Clinic “Dr Behar Kusari” to learn more about the types of anesthesia used within the Clinic.

We are here with you for the most important process in life!

We have proven to be the most trusted clinic in the region to perform the birth process!

For questions or need for additional clarifications, call the toll-free number 0800 56789 or email [email protected]


the feel 
professional care 
at the American Clinic "Dr. Behar Kusari"

Natural Birth Package

  • 24-hour stay with an accompanying person
  • Laboratory tests for the mother and baby
  • The first postnatal visits for the mother and baby

Caesarean Birth Package

  • 48-hour stay with an accompanying person
  • Laboratory tests for the mother and baby
  • The first postnatal visits for the mother and baby

Twin Birth Package

  • 48-hour stay with an accompanying person
  • Laboratory tests for the mother and babies
  • The first postnatal visits for the mother and babies

Pregnancy Loyalty Card

The American Clinic “Dr. Behar Kusari” introduces the Pregnancy Card, a loyalty card that will delight every couple planning their pregnancy!

As one of the most trusted hospitals in the country, with thousands of parents who have trusted us with the birth of their child, we are pleased to present the “Pregnancy Loyalty Card” to all couples planning to have children and wish to trust the American Clinic “Dr. Behar Kusari,” starting from the moment of pregnancy planning.

This card is our way of being close to all couples, making them feel LOYAL to the American Clinic “Dr. Behar Kusari.”

Do you want to enjoy extra benefits from the birth packages?

The most beautiful moments begin at the American Clinic "Dr. Behar Kusari"

Eternally grateful for your trust, we are proud to be leaders!

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Babies born each year
0 %
0 %

Gynecology and Obstetrics

Gynecology and Obstetrics

Gynecological care includes not only routine annual checkups, but also forecasting and planning for your health needs for family planning and especially in the female reproductive system.

The gynecology department is equipped with the most sophisticated equipment for gynecological and obstetric examinations.


Modern surgery through which diagnosis and treatment of various pathologies and diseases is carried out in the abdomen.

The trained team, modern equipment and their maintenance enables to carry out the above said procedures.

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Advantages of Minimally Invasive Surgery compared to Traditional surgery

Quick recovery

Patients who undergo laparoscopic surgery experience shorter hospital stays and faster recovery time. Reduced trauma to the body means less pain and comfort, facilitating a quicker return to daily life.

Minimal wound

One of the most obvious benefits is minimal scarring. Small cuts result in small scars that are often barely visible.

Reduced pain

Minimized trauma during laparoscopic surgery translates into less pain and postoperative comfort. Patients typically require less pain medication, reducing the risk of opioid addiction.

Lower risk of infection

With laparoscopic surgery, the internal organs are less exposed to the external environment, reducing the risk of infections. This makes it an excellent choice for patients with compromised immune systems.

Enhanced precision

Surgeons benefit from laparoscopic tools that offer very high precision. This precision is especially critical in complex procedures, such as delicate organ removals or complex tissue repairs.

Less blood loss

Minimally invasive procedures usually require smaller incisions and more careful tissue manipulation. Which result in less blood loss during the intervention.

The range of other treatments at the American Clinic “Dr Behar Kusari”

• Surgical and conservative treatmORL of all disorders related to gynecology, tumors of the female reproductive system, infections, incontinence and hormone disorders.

• Various biopsies ranging from fine tissue biopsies to total hysterectomy. Gynecology is one of the focuses of our clinic.

• TreatmORL of patiORLs with inflammatory diseases and severe pain related to gynecology

• PatiORL-based surgery (abdominoscopy, tubal sterilization, removal of ovarian cysts, curettage, and other minor procedures in the field of gynecology)

• Minimally invasive surgery including procedures with the latest technology

• Diagnostic procedures such as: bleeding disorders or abdominal pain (laparoscopic examination of the uterus and abdominal cavity)

• Bening tumors such as: polyps, myomas and cysts, usually with a minimally invasive surgery

• Myoma embolization

• Laparoscopic examination of the uterus, a common procedure in gynecology

• Diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy

• Total abdominal hysterectomy, radical vaginal and radical vaginal hysterectomy

• Diagnostic and therapeutic curettage (D & C) – a standard procedure in gynecology

• D & C after abortion – a standard procedure in gynecology

• Conisation (intervORLion in the removal of abnormal cervical lesions)

• Laparoscopic abdominal examination

• Total unilateral and bilateral laparoscopic salpingectomy,

• Correction of spottings (marks)

High resolution and contrast of the photo
High diagnostic efficiency and accuracy
The possibility of intracranial measuremORL during the first trimester of pregnancy
Visualization and measurement of hypoechoic structures such as the fetal brain, etc
Dynamic transparency in anatomical structures
Clear view of the fine vascular system

We are dedicated on providing safe and successful solutions, offering quality and professional services in the field of Gynecology and Obstetrics.


Dr. Trina Nushi Jahjaga provides answers to few of the most frequORLly asked questions about infertility!
Play Video
Dr.Memli Morina ttalks about delivery by operation and necessary information after the delivery with operation is performed.
Play Video


The staff of the gynecology department consists of